Max here.

July 12, 2020

Max here.

👋 Hello World

A couple of words about the potential content.

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Welcome to my finally created a personal blog! 🎉

千里之行,始於足下. This post is the first tiny step for this blog =]

Many years I wanted to start it. I was choosing the platform, the topic, the format…

The platform

It could be Twitter or Instagram or any other social network. But I want to feel more independent. That’s why it will be my blog and I can move it anywhere at any time easily.

As for the technical side, my choice fell on Gatsby. It seems to be a solution for blogging balanced between “time-tested” and “modern enough”.

And it’s new to me. The best way to learn something is to try it, everybody know - practice makes better. I have experienced with React and web development but not with Gatsby and GraphQL yet. My position is Front-end Developer now, but mostly I work with JS/TS, not with UI and styles. I can’t say I don’t like it :), but working with UI and styles can be useful and interesting for me! And it can be my playground for kind of UI experiments.

The topic

I thought about separate blogs for each topic I interested in but I am not sure I have enough interesting thoughts to write about it. Let’s start with the topics 🥗 “salad” blog. Because it’s important to start from something. Anyway, I can split it to different blogs at any moment.

I suppose it will be mostly about 🗺️ travel, 🎲 board games, 👨‍💻 software development, 🎵 extreme music, and other stuff. But I can’t be sure at the moment :)

The format

Maybe I’m too old-fashioned but text blogs look better for me. And it’s universal I can post photos and videos here as well.


Some people say that the modern world is the world of consuming. We look at other works much more often than create something. I work as a software engineer, so I create some stuff at work. But I want more. This blog doesn’t pretend to be the most interesting blog. But I will be creating it.

Probably, it will be interesting or useful for somebody. At least for me.

I am going to try to improve my (English) writing skills here. If you are (native) English speaker it would be great if you correct me or help to make the text a bit richer.

And feel free to contact me on any question ;)

Plans for the week:

  • Hello world post

Written by Max.

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